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Rhs Grow Food Anywhere

Hardback Book  |  Gardening  |  14 Jan 2025
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Each area of a garden offers a different environment for plants, with differing levels of sun, soil, moisture, and more.

In this book, expert gardener and vegetable-grower Lucy Chamberlain breaks down the environments we may find in our gardens into seven zones, from sunny and sheltered through to shady and dry - as well as using indoor space.

Following the principle of "right crop, right place", everyone can grow fruits and vegetables that will thrive in their space, large or small. Including varieties of vegetables, fruits, herbs, edible flowers, and crops in pots, there is something here for everyone - from favourites like chilis and figs to honeyberry, wasabi, agretti, and amaranth.

Learn how to identify and map the zones of your space, make the most of the natural conditions, collect water, use a greenhouse effectively, and understand the basics of what's happening in the soil. With photographs of crops, diagrams of each zone, and a trouble-shooter guide to managing plant problems, this book will truly enable gardeners to grow food anywhere.

Title: Rhs Grow Food Anywhere

Format: Hardback Book

Release Date: 14 Jan 2025

Type: Lucy Chamberlain

Sku: 3146261

Catalogue No: 9780241656495

Category: Gardening

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