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Foul Form

Vinyl  |  Rock/Pop  |  12 Aug 2022
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"Brain stem cracking scum-punk recorded tersely in the basement of my home. After a notoriously frustrating eon, the knee-jerk song path was aggressive and hooky. This is an homage to the punk bands we grew up on-the weirdos and art freaks that piqued our interests and pointed us on the trail head to here / now. Bad times make for strong music is something I agree with. I would say that is evident by the past few years of output from the underground. Transmissions have been all over the map: scanning.searching...sweeping out in the darkness looking for a foot hold.
"[OSEES] A Foul From represents some of our most savage and primal instincts. Fight or flight. And the importance of a sense of humor in the darkest hour. Nothing wrong with keeping it snappy in the meantime. For fans of Rudimentary Peni, Crass, Bad Brains, Black Flag, Screamers, Abwarts, Stooges and all things aggressively tilted towards your face. You can lean back but don't flinch.it's a brief foray into the exhausting pogo pit, so stiffen your back and jerk with your knees. Enjoy."
-John Dwyer

Title: Foul Form

Format: Vinyl

Release Date: 12 Aug 2022

Artist: Osees

Sku: 2691530

Catalogue No: CLFC147.1

Category: Rock/Pop


1. Funeral Solution

2. Frock Block

3. Too Late for Suicide

4. A Foul Form

5. A Burden Snared

6. Scum Show

7. Fucking Kill Me

8. Perm Act

9. Social Butt

10. Sacrifice

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