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The Importance of DVDs, CDs, Blu-ray, 4K UHD in the age of streaming

01 Aug 2023
The Importance of DVDs, CDs, Blu-ray, 4K UHD in the age of streaming

In the digital era, streaming services have revolutionized the way we consume entertainment. With a vast array of content at our fingertips, streaming platforms have become an integral part of modern life. However, amidst the allure of instant access and convenience, the significance of physical media should not be underestimated or overlooked. Physical media, such as DVDs, Blu-rays, 4k blu-rays, vinyl records, and books, continues to hold its ground, providing unique advantages and preserving certain aspects of culture and human connection.

One of the most significant advantages of physical media is its tangibility. Holding a vinyl record, flipping through the pages of a book, or inserting a movie or tv show into a player evokes a sense of ownership and connection to the art that streaming simply cannot replicate. Physical media grants a sense of permanence and personal attachment, making it a cherished possession for many enthusiasts. The act of building a physical collection can be a satisfying and rewarding experience, allowing individuals to display their interests and tastes proudly.

Physical media almost always provides superior quality compared to streaming services. While streaming offers convenience, it compromises on resolution, sound quality, bit-rate, color grade, compression and not to mention general buffering issues. In contrast, physical media ensures consistent performance without worrying about internet speed or server issues. Furthermore, physical media serves as an important preservation tool, safeguarding content from potential digital obsolescence, server crashes, licensing changes that can affect streaming libraries or as we have seen of late, tax write-offs that see art destroyed; deleted from existence forever.

Physical media carries a strong nostalgic value that streaming platforms cannot replicate. For many, browsing through stores, discovering hidden gems, or unwrapping a newly purchased DVD harkens back to cherished memories. The act of physically owning and handling media can evoke a sense of sentimentality and emotional connection that streaming lacks.

While streaming services are prevalent in urban and developed areas, access to high-speed internet is not universal worldwide. Physical media allows individuals in rural or underdeveloped regions to access content without relying on an internet connection. Additionally, physical media bridges the digital divide for older generations who might not be as tech-savvy or have access to reliable internet services.

Physical media formats often include artistic designs, special editions, and collectible packaging, which contribute to the overall experience and for decades have inspired and educated artists. From album cover art to exclusive director's cut editions, physical media offers a deeper appreciation for the artistic efforts behind the creation of the content. Collectors value these unique features, making physical media an essential aspect of pop culture history and artistic expression.
Physical media fosters a sense of community and human interaction that streaming services lack. Record stores, bookshops, and video outlets have historically served as gathering spaces for like-minded individuals to share interests and engage in discussions. These spaces facilitate connections between fans, creators, and enthusiasts, promoting a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

While streaming services have undoubtedly transformed the entertainment landscape, physical media continues to play a vital role in the cultural fabric of society. The tangibility, ownership, quality, and sentimental value of physical media contribute to its enduring importance. Additionally, physical media ensures accessibility for all, serves as a preservation tool, and encourages artistic expression and human interaction. As technology evolves, it is essential to recognize and cherish the unique advantages that physical media offers, making it an irreplaceable aspect of modern entertainment consumption and something must be protected at ALL costs. 


Ryan Unicomb wrote this blog post for Sanity. See more from Ryan here

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